Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Seeds and Apples!

Today was our second full day and the kids did wonderful! We worked very hard on counting and identifying numbers and took some time to work on writing 1,2 & 3. They also got some computer time, which they enjoyed a whole bunch.

For science this month we are working on SEEDS AND APPLES! Today we prepared two planters each for tomorrows class...where we will plant a variety of seeds. We will be creating science journals as well to record our data as our seeds begin to grow! As a class we visited the garden too...identifying many of our plants and vegetables. We did some tasting of our peas that are growing and picked a carrot and potato!

We will begin talking about apples next week and doing a variety of projects with them, so be watching as we get going.

Thank you so much for bringing your kids to Just Kids...I have realized in just 2 days how much I miss getting to be in the midst of the "classroom"!